Speed-up Fedora Boot Time

Run the below commands to see what takes the longest at boot.

sudo systemd-analyze
sudo systemd-analyze blame

This will return results that look like the below.

19.252s unbound-anchor.service
 9.581s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
 7.122s dracut-initqueue.service
 6.950s systemd-cryptsetup@luks\x2d6201f753\x2d2cbe\x2d4c1f\x2da7df\x2d0c672e432f0e.service
 4.371s plymouth-quit-wait.service
 1.081s lvm2-monitor.service

You can then disable long running services which aren’t needed.

sudo systemctl disable --now unbound-anchor.timer
sudo systemctl disable --now NetworkManager-wait-online.service