Setup a Samba Fileshare on Debian

I use the commands below to setup a Samba network share on my local server.

# Install Samba:
sudo apt install --assume-yes samba

# Say no to any prompts about WINS.

# Add Samba user:
sudo adduser jprice

# Set the password for the user:
sudo smbpasswd -a jprice

# Create the fileshare directory:
sudo mkdir --parents /srv/my
sudo chown --recursive jprice:jprice /srv/my

# Add config to /etc/samba/smb.conf:
    comment = My File Share
    path = /srv/my
    read only = no
    browsable = yes

# Restart Samba:
sudo systemctl restart smbd

# Add a firewall rule:
sudo ufw allow samba

# Restart Samba
sudo systemctl restart smbd

You can then connect as below.
