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How to install networked HP printer and scanner on Fedora Linux

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I have HP Officejet Pro printer and scanner. How do I install HP Officejet Pro network printers and scanners on Fedora Linux? How can I install HP printer on Fedora Linux?

Introduction – You need to install HPLIP (HP Linux Imaging and Printing) software. It is official software that supports a wild range of HP printers including Deskjet, Officejet, Photosmart, PSC, Business Inkjet, OfficeJet, LaserJet and more. The software also supports color and monochrome scanning on Fedora Linux. This page shows how to install HP printer and scanner on Fedora Linux.


Installing networked HP printer and scanner on Fedora Linux

You can download software by visiting this page . However, Fedora Linux includes software in its repository.

Step 1. Update Fedora Linux

Simply run dnf command:
sudo dnf upgrade

Step 2. Search for HPLIP software

Search for HPLIP, run:
dnf search hplip
Sample outputs:

========================= Name Exactly Matched: hplip ==========================
hplip.x86_64 : HP Linux Imaging and Printing Project
======================== Summary & Name Matched: hplip =========================
hplip-libs.x86_64 : HPLIP libraries
hplip-libs.i686 : HPLIP libraries
hplip-gui.x86_64 : HPLIP graphical tools
hplip-common.x86_64 : Files needed by the HPLIP printer and scanner drivers
hplip-common.i686 : Files needed by the HPLIP printer and scanner drivers

Step 3. Install HPLIP on Fedora Linux 29 or 30

We are going to install hplip-gui and hplip using the dnf command:
sudo dnf install hplip hplip-gui
Install networked HP printer and scanner on Fedora Linux

Step 4. Configure HP printer on Fedora Linux

You need to run hp-setup command. It set up HPLIP printers and faxes in the CUPS spooler. Tries to automatically determine the correct PPD file to use. Allows the printing of a test page. Performs basic fax parameters set up too. Set up HP printer in Fedora Linux using GUI:
If you have USB based HP printer, try:
hp-setup -b usb
For example, my printer is networked and it has IP address, so I run:
One can use FQDN too:
hp-setup hp0.sweet.home

Fedora Linux Set up HP using GUI and IP address

Fedora Linux Set up HP printer using GUI with IP address

Next, I will set description, name, FAX number (if any) and other information for my HP printer. Finally, click on the “Add Printer” button:
Fedora Linux HP Device Manager

HP Device Manager in action on my Fedora Linux 29/30 workstations

How do I control my HP printer with “HP Device Manager”?

The HP Device Manager (aka “Toolbox”) for HPLIP supported devices such as printers and scanners. It provides access to status of printer, tools, ink/supplies levels and more. Simply type the following command:
How to control HP printer from GUI on Fedora Linux
Getting your ink levelsHow to install HP printer on Fedora Linux and get ink levels

How do I scan images?

Try using Simple Scan app. It is a document scanning application for GNOME desktop. It allows you to capture images using image scanners that have suitable SANE drivers installed. For example flatbed scanners:
Simple scan running on Fedora desktop
Click on the Scan button to start scanning.


This page showed you how to add a HP network printer on Fedora Linux and control it using graphical user interface methods. For more information see the official HPLIP project site here.

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