Flash Samsung Stock Firmware with Odin

Download Official Stock Firmware

Use samloader to download official stock firmware from Samsung’s servers. You can also look at SAMMOBILE to see the latest for this device.

Install samloader

pip3 install --user git+https://github.com/nlscc/samloader.git

Download Firmware

# Create download directory:
mkdir ~/Downloads/samsung

# Check the lastest available firmware:
samloader --dev-model SM-G980F --dev-region BTU checkupdate

# Download the specified firmware version:
samloader --dev-model SM-G980F --dev-region BTU download --fw-ver G980FXXUDEVA9/G980FOXMDEVA9/G980FXXUDEVA9/G980FXXUDEVA9 --out-dir ~/Downloads/samsung

# Decrypt firmware:
samloader --dev-model SM-G980F --dev-region BTU decrypt --fw-ver G980FXXUDEVA9/G980FOXMDEVA9/G980FXXUDEVA9/G980FXXUDEVA9 --enc-ver 4 --in-file ~/Downloads/samsung/SM-G980F_3_20220126141002_sqgfarrj77_fac.zip.enc4 --out-file ~/Downloads/samsung/SM-G980F_3_20220126141002_sqgfarrj77_fac.zip

Extract Firmware

unzip ~/Downloads/samsung/SM-G980F_3_20220126141002_sqgfarrj77_fac.zip -d ~/Downloads/samsung/

Download Mode

Flash with Odin3 v3.14 on Windows

It is crucial you use a reliable USB-C cable to avoid soft-bricking the phone. A good test is to wiggle the connection and if it disconnects when you do that, do not use it!

Begin by loading the firmware binaries in the Odin tool as instructed below:

Once all the firmware files have been loaded in their corresponding slots, click the “Options” tab in Odin and uncheck “Auto Reboot” (This is important). Finally, click “Start” to begin the flashing process.

After the flashing process is complete, you should see a “PASS!” message in Odin and your Galaxy S20 can be rebooted from Download mode.

You can close Odin and disconnect your phone from the computer.

After a while you should see the “SAMSUNG” boot logo, and the ROM should boot.