Install Jellyfin App on Samsung Smart TV running Tizen

Initially I tried to follow the instructions here but ran into multiple issues just trying to install the Tizen SDK (tried both Fedora and Windows with various issues).

Then I discovered Georift/install-jellyfin-tizen and after facing the issue decribed here using the below command I was able to install Jellyfin directly onto my Samsung Smart TV (from 2016).

Before I did this I had to enable Developer Mode on the TV itself, which is as simple as going to the Apps screen, typing in 12345 on the control, and then toggling Developer Mode on, and entering the IP of the device you’ll be connecting from. Also described here with pictures.

Once you’ve done that and restarted the TV (turn it off and then on - there’s no restart button), you can simply run this from your device, making sure to enter the IP address of the TV.

docker run -it --ulimit nofile=122880:122880 -m 3G --rm georift/install-jellyfin-tizen <tv-ip-address>

I’ve included the output below. It took 45 seconds to complete.

        Thanks to for providing the pre-packaged jellyfin-tizen builds!
        These builds can be found at

Attempting to connect to Samsung TV at IP address
* Server is not running. Start it now on port 26099 *
* Server has started successfully *
connecting to ...
connected to
Attempting to get the TV name...
Found TV name: UE49KU6670
Attempting to install jellyfin-tizen-builds version:
Jellyfin.wgt                                        100%[===================================================================================================================>]  42.65M  20.1MB/s    in 2.1s
Transferring the package...
Transferred the package: /home/developer/Jellyfin.wgt -> /opt/usr/apps/tmp
Installing the package...
Platform log view
install AprZAARz4r.Jellyfin
package_path /opt/usr/apps/tmp/Jellyfin.wgt
app_id[AprZAARz4r.Jellyfin] install start
was_install_app return WAS_TRUE
app_id[AprZAARz4r.Jellyfin] install completed
spend time for wascmd is [19119]ms
Installed the package: Id(AprZAARz4r.Jellyfin)
Tizen application is successfully installed.
Total time: 00:00:45.782


I'm a technology professional who's been passionate about computers since my Grandad introduced me to an Intel 386 back in the 90s when I was a kid. Those moments inspired a passion within for technology, and I've been playing around with anything with a circuit board ever since. Whenever I have a moment you can probably find me working on something computer-related, and this is where I like to write about those moments.