Tailscale Setup & Split DNS

I have Tailscale installed on network-01, using a Subnet Router.

Ansible installs it, but you can follow the instructions here.

I start Tailscale by running the below command on network-01 (making sure IP forwarding has been enabled), which then has you authorise the connection by clicking a link (or as I do with Ansible, use auth keys, here).

# Bring up subnet router and advertise routes:
sudo tailscale up --advertise-routes=

You then need to enable the subnet router from Machines, by turning the switch to “On” as below.

Then turn on IP forwarding, and restart the server. More here.

echo 'net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding = 1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

On Android you don’t need to do anything else, the routes will be automatically picked up as described below.

Clients on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android will automatically pick up your new subnet routes.

Subnet routers and traffic relay nodes ยท Tailscale

On Linux devices only, such as my EliteBook, you need accept the routes when bringing Tailscale up.

sudo tailscale up --accept-routes

Split DNS

To make sure you can access int.ppn.sh sites and other LAN devices from devices connected to Tailscale, we need to add the DNS server, and specify a “Search Domain”.

Next, add some additional Global Nameservers for redundancy, and set the “Override local DNS” button to “On”. This makes it so that by default, clients will use the global DNS servers, as opposed to, but, because we’ve added a Search Domain, when int.ppn.sh or queries to devices are made, the DNS server will be used. So, Split DNS.

That’s it, no opening ports on the router, no manual WireGuard configs, it’s as easy as this. Very cool.


I'm a technology professional who's been passionate about computers since my Grandad introduced me to an Intel 386 back in the 90s when I was a kid. Those moments inspired a passion within for technology, and I've been playing around with anything with a circuit board ever since. Whenever I have a moment you can probably find me working on something computer-related, and this is where I like to write about those moments.